Work for peace and disarmament

Last edited 28 April 2014 at 2:36pm

40 years ago the international community got together and agreed to work towards eliminating nuclear weapons. But these terrifying weapons of mass destruction are still with us. Greenpeace believes that it’s time for the nine nuclear countries - including Britain - to start serious negotiations to reduce and eventually eliminate their nuclear arsenals, and focus instead on the real challenge facing the world - building a safer, greener future for us all.

Campaign updates

Final findings for the Faslane Five

A Greenpeace volunteer on the boom at Faslane nuclear submarine base in Scotland I don’t know if your remember our Trident Tour last year - that five...
Posted by bex - 16 May, 2008 - 11:49

Czech's Son of Star Wars protest set to enter third week

A group of Czech Greenpeace activists are set to begin their third week occupying the site of a proposed US 'Son of Star Wars' base in the Czech republic...
Posted by Louise Edge - 9 May, 2008 - 17:54

Czech's Son of Star Wars protest set to enter third week

A group of Czech Greenpeace activists are set to begin their third week occupying the site of a proposed US 'Son of Star Wars' base in the Czech republic...
Posted by Louise Edge - 9 May, 2008 - 17:54

The curious tale of Israel's nuclear whistleblower

Four years ago Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was released from jail having served 18 years inside. Yet this month the Israeli government...
Posted by Louise Edge - 25 April, 2008 - 18:20 -

The curious tale of Israel's nuclear whistleblower

Four years ago Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was released from jail having served 18 years inside. Yet this month the Israeli government...
Posted by Louise Edge - 25 April, 2008 - 18:20 -

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