African Fishermen

In pictures: It's World Fisheries Day!

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 21 November 2014 at 1:43pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Francisco Rivotti
Fishermen paddle out towards open waters in Pemba, Quirimbas, northern Mozambique

Fisherfolk communites around the world celebrate World Fisheries Day today highlighting the importance of sustainable management of fisheries and raising awareness about overfishing and habitat destruction.

Senegal's catch of a lifetime

Posted by Fran G — 30 August 2012 at 9:07am - Comments


The local fishing community in Thiaroye, Dakar, is celebrating. Since the new Senegalese government took action to stop overfishing, fisheries in the region are slowly regenerating, and fishermen are returning home with healthier catches.

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