
Naomi Klein on activism's impact on the climate negotiations

Posted by jossc — 17 December 2009 at 11:28am - Comments

This blog by Mike Gaworecki was originally posted on the Climate Rescue weblog earlier today.

All week long, the Fresh Air Center has been a really valuable place for me and Jamie to come work, especially now that we're not allowed into the conference center. Run by, the FAC is a space for NGO and independent bloggers to work and coordinate messages.

An open letter to Barack Obama on the eve of his arrival at the Climate Summit

Posted by admin — 16 December 2009 at 6:35pm - Comments

Dear Mr President,

Now is the time to give hope more than a voice. As you depart for the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen, I feel compelled to express my hope and desire for the role you will play when you join the other heads of state in reaching an agreement to avert catastrophic climate change: the role you must play in keeping hope alive for many millions of people around the world. 

My Name is Kumi Naidoo, I am the International Executive Director of Greenpeace, I am also chair the Global Coalition for Climate Action ( and serve as a co-chair of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty ( But, most of all, like you, I am a global citizen. I am also a child of Africa.

Code REDD in Copenhagen

Posted by jossc — 16 December 2009 at 1:22pm - Comments

This blog by Greenpeace US webbie Mike Gaworecki first appeared yesterday on the Climate Rescue weblog.

Discussions at these climate talks are often in a highly specialized language that some of us like to call 'alphabet soup' – because it is conducted almost entirely in acronyms. One such cup o' soup we’ve been hearing a lot about lately is REDD, which stands for "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation." So I thought I'd give you an as-brief-as-possible update on where the negotiations on REDD are at, and what we're pushing for.

Shut out but not shut down!

Posted by jamie — 16 December 2009 at 12:35pm - Comments
My COP15 badge. Bit useless now

Since early last week, rumours have been flying round the Copenhagen negotiations about what would happen as we got closer to the arrival of the heads of state. Then a couple of days ago it was confirmed: access the conference centre would become more and more restricted for non-governmental organisations such as Greenpeace, and today was the start of those restrictions. We only have a few ID badges to go around the team and we'll have fewer with each passing day.

Playing the biggest game of Risk

Posted by jamie — 13 December 2009 at 5:56pm - Comments

With all the headlines about what the world will be like if we don't get a grip on climate change - how hot it will be by 2050, how high the sea levels will rise, that sort of thing - there's always an element of uncertainty. The top line figures you see in the press are usually only one of a range of figures calculated by climate modelling, producing a range of potential outcomes based on possible changes to our behaviour and the environment.

What's often neglected is a risk assessment: comparing the probability of a particular outcome against the effect it will have. Our perception of risk is very skewed - we'll panic about things like swine flu (which the chances of us dying from a very low) but we'll quite happily drive around in cars where the probability of dying in a road accident are comparatively higher.

Greenpeace on the Real Deal march in Copenhagen

Posted by jossc — 13 December 2009 at 5:49pm - Comments

As part of an estimated 100,000-strong demonstration, Greenpeace campaigners, activists and volunteers marched through Copenhagen on Saturday to the Bella Centre, site of the UN climate summit, demanding a fair, ambitious and legally binding agreement at the COP15 negotiations. This video by Michael Nagasaki captures some of the atmosphere of the event.

Why the Brussels meeting is so important for Copenhagen

Posted by jamie — 11 December 2009 at 3:36pm - Comments

"You know," Joss said to me in the other day, "one of the most important meetings of this summit isn't happening in Copenhagen. It's happening in Brussels where the heads of state are getting together."

As one of the political campaigning whizz-kids here in the Greenpeace camp, he knows what he's talking about and rather than me paraphrasing on his behalf, watch Joss's short vlog above to see what he means.

Join the Youth Climate Coalition in a worldwide call for a Real Deal at Copenhagen!

Posted by jossc — 10 December 2009 at 11:53am - Comments

A message from the Youth Climate Coalition...

YCC poster

Over the next two weeks, our leaders will negotiate the most important agreement of our time – one that must stop a climate catastrophe.

But they will only aim as high as we demand.

That's why on Saturday December 12th thousands will gather at climate vigils in every corner of the planet to send a clear message: The World Wants a Real Deal!

The Global Day of Action by TckTckTck has over 1000 events already registered across the world, and we want you to be part of the event in London, which is being jointly organised by the Youth Climate Coalition.

Where: Old Palace Yard, Westminster, London

When: Saturday December 12th, 4pm

What: Candlelit vigil followed by a UKYCC Flashdance and maybe a few extra surprises...

Tuvalu stops play in Copenhagen by demanding legally-binding agreement

Posted by jamie — 9 December 2009 at 4:32pm - Comments

A couple of hours ago, we heard that the plenary session had been suspended. Tuvalu, the Pacific island nation so vulnerable to climate change, demanded a legally-binding agreement - not in six or 12 months, but at the end of the conference next week. It's a demand that should not, and can not, be ignored.

This goes to the heart of one of the most important questions hanging over Copenhagen and yet a group of industrialised countries - the US, Japan, Canada and the EU - stayed completely silent. Nothing. Not a whisper.

Place your bets for the Copenhagen Fossil Of The Day

Posted by jamie — 8 December 2009 at 9:21pm - Comments

This video shows the first presentation of the Fossil of the Day award on Monday.

Sometimes, there is such a beautiful synchronisation of multiple ideas in a single word, I'm tempted to believe that it couldn't possibly have happened by chance. For instance, what pops into your head when you hear the word 'fossil'?

A. The preserved remains of long-dead organisms
B. A polluting fuel hewn from the ground
C. Someone who refuses to adapt and evolve even though everyone else has
D. All of the above

If you answered D, you're clearly on the same wavelength as the team handing out Fossil Of The Day awards here in Copenhagen. Handed out each evening, they go to the country which has done most to stall, frustrate or otherwise get in the way of a fair, ambitious and legally-binding agreement during the last 24 hours.

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