
Greenpeace in pictures: the response to Copenhagen

Posted by jossc — 21 December 2009 at 12:16pm - Comments

Two years have passed since world leaders promised all of us a deal to stop climate change. After two weeks of UN negotiations, politicians breezed in, had dinner with the Queen and then failed to deliver any meaningful action on climate change.

As we all try to come to terms with the historic failure of nerve and vision that paralysed the Copenhagen climate summit, the response of Greenpeace members around the world has been fast and focused: expressing their condemnation of world leaders unwilling or unable to lead in a time of crisis, and demanding the release of the four Greenpeace activists who face spending Christmas in jail after making a peaceful protest at the Danish Queen's dinner for Heads of State.


Climate Injustice - A night vigil is held outside Vestre Fængsel  prison

Over 100 Greenpeace staff and supporters held a candle-lit vigil outside Vestre Fængsel prison, Copenhagen, where four of our activists face spending Christmas in jail - held in isolation and without trial. Three of them took part in the peaceful protest at the Danish Queen's Heads of State dinner during the Copenhagen Climate Summit.

Copenhagen is over, but we're not done yet

Posted by jamie — 19 December 2009 at 5:25pm - Comments

It's over. The fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties has this afternoon officially drawn to a close (or rather all but collapsed), but what are we left with? Very little is the honest answer and, no matter how the politicians spin it or how the media interprets it, it sucks.

Obama called it a "historic first step" and it's neither historic nor a first step. The Kyoto Protocol was both, yet in the 12 years since it was laid down, we've barely progressed - the increasing severity of climate change impacts and the urgent warnings from scientists should have had leaders scrabbling for solutions. Instead, yesterday a small group of these leaders flew in, claimed the deal was done and flew out again, leaving chaos in their wake – and other leaders outraged.

Cop-out in Copenhagen: leadership breakdown results in failure

Posted by jamie — 19 December 2009 at 12:37am - Comments

Merkel adn Sarkozy at COP15It's a gut-busting, heart-breaking cop-out and I'm so very, very angry although sadly not very surprised. The exhaustion we're all feeling in the Greenpeace team here in Copenhagen only adds to the appalling sense of frustration - our leaders swanned in and let us all down. The deal isn't fair or ambitious and it certainly isn't legally binding. Even though the agreement, such as it is, has yet to be sealed, they have failed.

I hoped it would be different but the skewed nature of international diplomacy has led the Copenhagen summit through two turbulent weeks into an exercise in arm-twisting and back-room deals. The bullying tactics of the developed countries have ensured they have got what they want, despite the attempts of some developing countries to stand their ground.

Greenpeace spectacularly crashes Queen's dinner party at Copenhagen Climate summit

Posted by jossc — 18 December 2009 at 1:17pm - Comments

Our delegation being evicted © Scanpix / Jens Norgaard Larsen

We thought it unfair that among the Heads of State invited to the Queen's dinner in Copenhagen, that a representative of the whole planet wasn't invited. Earth needed a voice, it needed representation. So we sent two to crash the party...

Hours before the Copenhagen climate summit comes to a close, the future of our planet lies in the hands of world leaders that have just breezed into town. And somehow, instead of getting down to the nitty gritty, they were dining with the Queen.

Leaked documents prove current climate offers are crap

Posted by jamie — 18 December 2009 at 1:08pm - Comments

With the Copenhagen talks going nowhere fast, a leaked document has caused some excitement here in the Greenpeace office and throughout the campaigning fraternity here in the Danish capital. Actually, that's probably an understatement, and Greenpeace ED Kumi is calling this "the single most important piece of paper in the world today".

UPDATE: Only 3 days left

Posted by jossc — 17 December 2009 at 12:04pm - Comments

In another repost from the Climate Rescue weblog - Jess sums up the political dynamics that are being played out in Copenhagen, and explains why a positive intervention from Barak Obama could still swing the balance in favour of a successful outcome, even at this late stage...


Last week, I posted a wrap up email of the first day of the negotiations that I received from a friend. I remember feeling completely overwhelmed at the idea of trying to summarize that first day and relieved to see someone had already done it in a way that was so easy to understand. I found myself in the same position yesterday when the same friend sent an email with his outline of where things stand at the negotiations. I didn't think it possible but this email gives a short account of the very complicated process so far.

As I write this, we are down to three days here at the Copenhagen climate talks. And I am afraid to say that there is little reason to be encouraged. Everybody has card to put on the table but no one is playing.

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