
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

High Court unblocks Greenpeace India funds in victory for free speech

Last edited 20 January 2015 at 12:43pm
20 January, 2015

The Delhi High Court today ruled the Indian government must unfreeze Greenpeace India funds received from abroad. In its ruling the court noted that the action of the Ministry of Home Affairs in freezing Greenpeace India funds is “arbitrarily illegal” and “unconstitutional”. It observed that NGOs are entitled to have their viewpoint and merely because their views are not in accordance with the Government’s views it does not mean the NGO is acting to the detriment of the national interest.

High Court unblocks Greenpeace India funds in victory for free speech

Last edited 20 January 2015 at 12:43pm
20 January, 2015

The Delhi High Court today ruled the Indian government must unfreeze Greenpeace India funds received from abroad. In its ruling the court noted that the action of the Ministry of Home Affairs in freezing Greenpeace India funds is “arbitrarily illegal” and “unconstitutional”. It observed that NGOs are entitled to have their viewpoint and merely because their views are not in accordance with the Government’s views it does not mean the NGO is acting to the detriment of the national interest.

Priya Pillai speaks to UK MPs despite being barred from travelling to the UK

Posted by petespeller — 15 January 2015 at 4:47pm - Comments
Priya Pillai speaks to members of the UK APPG on Indo-British relations via Skyp
All rights reserved. Credit: John Cobb / Greenpeace

Undeterred by the government of India trying to halt her speech when she was barred from boarding her flight to London, Greenpeace India campaigner Priya Pillai stuck to her commitment of taking the voices of struggle from Mahan to a global stage and addressed a gathering of MPs at the Parliament in London on Wednesday.

Greenpeace campaigner barred from boarding a plane to Britain

Last edited 12 January 2015 at 11:57am
12 January, 2015

A Greenpeace campaigner on her way to London to meet British MPs has been stopped by government officials at Delhi airport and told she cannot travel.

Priya Pillai was scheduled to address the MPs at the House of Commons in London this week, but yesterday immigration officials told her the Indian government is refusing to let her make the trip.

Supreme court order kills Essar’s plans

Posted by aksheykalra — 25 September 2014 at 1:59pm - Comments
Women peacefully protesting in Mahan
All rights reserved. Credit: Vinit Gupta / Greenpeace
Peaceful Forest Protest in India

If you haven't heard so far, the Supreme Court of India cancelled 214 coal blocks allocated to private companies since 1993, deeming them illegal. And one of these coal blocks brings us to the story of Mahan, one of the oldest Sal forests in Asia and livelihood to more than 50,000 people.

The Mahan Story — It Takes a Village

Posted by Greenpeace UK — 26 August 2014 at 5:07pm - Comments
Local people from Mahan, India, protest against a proposed coal mine.
All rights reserved. Credit: Vinit Gupta/Greenpeace
Local people in Mahan, central India, come together to oppose mining in their forests.

In the village it is pitch dark by 7.30 pm. At the designated spot for the meeting, there are about 15 or 20 villagers holding solar lanterns. The meeting lasts over two hours and throughout that time, people keep coming and joining the conversation. Halfway into the meeting, I turn around to steal a quick look at the crowd and I am surprised at how large the group has become! It’s about a 100 people sitting, standing, leaning against their houses and trees, listening intently and waiting for their turn to speak.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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