
Can the Marine Bill save our seas?

Posted by jossc — 3 April 2008 at 2:58pm - Comments

Will the Marine Bill ensure that the North Sea gets the marine reserves it needs?

Today sees the long overdue publication of the Draft Marine Bill. The Bill presents a key opportunity not just to improve the management of our national waters, but to begin the concerted action that is needed to protect marine biodiversity and reverse the decline in our fish stocks.

But the Marine Bill is only a tool, not the finished product.

'Two a week' under review

Posted by jossc — 7 February 2008 at 12:16pm - Comments

Oily fish - not enough to go round

Yesterday the Food Standards Agency (FSA) finally announced that it's going to review its misguided policy advising us all to eat at least two portions of fish every week. The independent watchdog, which is charged with protecting the public interest on food safety and health issues, has been pushing the 'two a week' figure in recent years - conveniently overlooking the fact that our over-exploited fisheries can't possibly sustain the increases in fishing needed to meet this level of consumption.

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