250,000 people call on Volkswagen to change

Posted by Richardg — 26 July 2011 at 5:29pm - Comments
Stormtroopers in London on the campaign launch
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Stormtroopers in London on the campaign launch

This morning something momentous happened.

Our Jedi-o-meter hit 250,000.

One quarter of a million people - from all corners of the galaxy - calling on Volkswagen to stop blocking progress on climate change.

VW film: A YouTube U-Turn

Posted by jamess — 20 July 2011 at 12:01pm - Comments
Still from our film challenging Volkswagen's environmental record
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Still from our film challenging Volkswagen's environmental record

We still have to turn VW away from the Dark Side, but we’ve scored a small victory for internet freedom along the way.

A few days into our campaign while our Volkswagen film was the most shared ‘ad’ in the world, YouTube suspended it after a complaint from Lucasfilm.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

VIDEO: A VW stormtrooper sees the lights

Posted by jamess — 7 July 2011 at 4:42pm - Comments

Following last week's dramatic shutting down of our rebel communications channel (YouTube to you, humans), the Rebellion has bounced back. Our videos are now everywhere - thanks to you brave Jedi - and our ranks are swelling faster than we ever thought possible.

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