
Bering fruit - our expedition discovers a new species

Posted by jossc — 29 April 2008 at 11:13am - Comments

Video: the discovery of Aaptos kanuux

Fascinating news just in - our two month research expedition to the Bering Sea last summer led to the discovery of a new species. Using manned submarines and a Remote Operated Vehicle, the crew of the Esperanza explored two of the world's deepest underwater canyons and took samples of never before seen life on the sea floor. Now, careful analysis has revealed one of them to be an entirely new species of sponge. Discovered in Pribilof Canyon, the new discovery is to be named Aaptos kanuux.

Bering witness in a mini-sub

Posted by jossc — 13 August 2007 at 12:05pm - Comments

A Greenpeace research mini-sub in the Bering sea

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