Blog Relay

Press, peace and life on the ocean waves...

Posted by Louise Edge — 26 March 2009 at 4:04pm - Comments
Louise takes the baton for the latest lap in the spring blog relay - our quest to introduce to you all the staff members who keep the Greenpeace wheels turning here in the UK - click here to catch up on entries from other Greenpeace staff.

Louise - is Creative Outreach a real job title?

I started out with Greenpeace nearly nine years ago as a press officer – and on arrival dived straight in at the deep end by heading off to Norwich to deal with media for the trial of 28 activists (including our then Director, Peter Melchett) who were charged with pulling up genetically modified (GM) crops from an experimental field in nearby Lyng. The atmosphere was charged, as our people were potentially facing jail, and the media interest was intense.

Activists? It takes one to know one...

Posted by Rachael King — 17 March 2009 at 3:40pm - Comments

Next up in the spring blog relay is Rachael from our Active Supporter Unit - catch up on entries from other Greenpeace staff.

Rachael: Confrontational - me?

About 11 years ago I was lucky enough to be at an Orang-utan sanctuary in northern Sumatra, Indonesia when a huge, pregnant, semi-wild orang-utan swung down from the trees and stole my boyfriend's camera. How to explain this to the insurance company? Fortunately on deciding she couldn't eat it, she threw it down from the treetops where it landed in a patch of leaves with nothing more serious than a missing lens cap!

What, I hear you ask, does this have to do with Greenpeace? Well, this was one of many occasions in my life when something in the natural world filled me with a sense of awe and wonder and an urgent desire to protect it. And when I read in 2003 that the orang-utan sanctuary and village of Bukit Lawang had been virtually wiped out by flash floods caused by illegal logging, I could no longer sit on the sofa and just let it happen. I had to do something. This is why I got involved with Greenpeace: to do everything I can to stop the desolation of our planet and the extinction of all the species we share it with.

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