
Press, peace and life on the ocean waves...

Posted by Louise Edge — 26 March 2009 at 4:04pm - Comments
Louise takes the baton for the latest lap in the spring blog relay - our quest to introduce to you all the staff members who keep the Greenpeace wheels turning here in the UK - click here to catch up on entries from other Greenpeace staff.

Louise - is Creative Outreach a real job title?

I started out with Greenpeace nearly nine years ago as a press officer – and on arrival dived straight in at the deep end by heading off to Norwich to deal with media for the trial of 28 activists (including our then Director, Peter Melchett) who were charged with pulling up genetically modified (GM) crops from an experimental field in nearby Lyng. The atmosphere was charged, as our people were potentially facing jail, and the media interest was intense.

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