
In pictures: Soils and Climate Change on World Soil Day

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 3 December 2015 at 4:53pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan/Greenpeace
Andrei Yesengi - an indigenous Nenet man - in front of a thermokarst lake, which was drained due to the melting of the permafrost and erosion caused by climate change

As world leaders meet at the COP21 climate talks in Paris, World Soil Day is celebrated around the world on 4th December. World Soil Day aims to connect people with soils and raise awareness on their critical importance in our lives.

Soil is essential for life. It’s the basis for food, fuel and fibre production, as well as providing services vital for human well-being, like helping to remove pollutants from water. We should be protecting soils, instead the world’s soil is being degraded by the impacts of climate change and polluted by dirty fuels like coal.

Dear Leaders - The eyes of the world are watching you!

Posted by Aakash Naik — 30 November 2015 at 7:06pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: John Cobb/Greenpeace

It's finally happening, COP21 aka the most important meeting ever, is finally underway. 

Leaders from around the world have reached Paris and will have a chance to come together, cooperate and put together a plan that seriously combats the worst effects of climate change.  

You might have switched on your TV screens this week and seen the news presenter say something about COP21, that’s because hundreds of thousands of people from around the world have shown leaders and the media, that the climate isn't an issue they can continue to ignore anymore. 

Don't believe everything you read in the papers.

Posted by Graham Thompson — 30 November 2015 at 5:54pm - Comments
Viscount Ridley explains where that £27 billion went.
All rights reserved. Credit: unknown
Are we certain we are not overreacting, m'lud?

Like the good little ecomodernist he is, Viscount Ridley (AKA Matt King Coal, science correspondent for Murdoch’s Times, owner of Britain’s biggest open-cast coal mine and the man who inherited and then broke Northern Rock) has been busy recycling old myths into comment pieces, for the Times and the Wall Street Journal.

New petition: Government must respect Lancashire council's decision to say no to fracking

Posted by Richard Casson — 27 November 2015 at 7:27pm - Comments
by. Credit: John Cobb / Greenpeace
'Frack Free Zone' signs along Blackpool Promenade, Lancashire

You might have heard today that the government has announced it will 'call in' the decision over fracking in Lancashire. What this means is that, depsite Lancashire county council voting against the shale gas industry back in June, the government now intends to have the final say.

The Long March Back to the 20th Century

Posted by Graham Thompson — 26 November 2015 at 12:58pm - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Oxfam

Whilst the influence of George Osborne on energy and environment policies has long been of concern, the progress made on the international stage by Blair and Prescott, and on the domestic front by Miliband’s Climate Change Act, plus the restraining influence of the Lib Dems during the coalition, have meant that that the UK’s progress on climate issues has been substantial enough to take time and effort to undo.

However, Osborne has the time, and appears to be putting in the effort.

The Long March Back to the 20th Century

Posted by Graham Thompson — 26 November 2015 at 12:58pm - Comments
by-nc. Credit: Oxfam

Whilst the influence of George Osborne on energy and environment policies has long been of concern, the progress made on the international stage by Blair and Prescott, and on the domestic front by Miliband’s Climate Change Act, plus the restraining influence of the Lib Dems during the coalition, have meant that that the UK’s progress on climate issues has been substantial enough to take time and effort to undo.

However, Osborne has the time, and appears to be putting in the effort.

8 ideas for how the UK can keep the lights on without trashing the planet

Posted by Richard Casson — 24 November 2015 at 7:36pm - Comments

With the UK set to wean itself off coal power over the next decade, what will take its place to keep the lights on?

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