
8 ideas for how the UK can keep the lights on without trashing the planet

Posted by Richard Casson — 24 November 2015 at 7:36pm - Comments

With the UK set to wean itself off coal power over the next decade, what will take its place to keep the lights on?

Fracking the desolate north: despatches from the frontline

Posted by simon clydesdale — 17 July 2014 at 10:21am - Comments
Lancashire County Councillors greeted with anti-fracking message
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Lancashire county councillors greeted with anti-fracking message today

Another fracking application, another town. I’m not sure the ‘Not For Shale roadshow on tour’ t-shirt is ready to compete yet with the One Direction world tour t-shirt. But we’ve already appeared in Chichester, Midhurst, and today is Thursday so it must be sunny Preston.

Drilling the South Downs: a national park at risk from fracking

Posted by simon clydesdale — 26 June 2014 at 12:09pm - Comments

This morning the Not For Shale fracking roadshow rolled into Midhurst at the heart of the glorious South Downs. This is the frontline of a local and national battle for the future of our communities, landscapes and climate.

Shock: 3/4 British people want fracking companies to ask before tunnelling underneath their homes.

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 6 May 2014 at 10:26am - Comments
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Last month we found out that the government is cooking up plans to strip homeowners and tenants of their legal right to deny permission to companies that want to frack directly underneath their property. If every English person’s home is their castle, then government ministers are currently digging a tunnel underneath the ramparts to let the frackers in.

Fracking: 'If you can't get in the front door, just go around to the back'

Posted by kcumming — 19 December 2013 at 1:27pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan/ Greenpeace

Yesterday, late afternoon, the government quietly announced it is changing planning rules to allow companies to frack under people’s homes without telling them.

UK energy - where are we at?

Posted by kcumming — 6 December 2013 at 2:16pm - Comments
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What a month for the Big 6! Whether cuts to energy efficiency measures, a green light for unabated coal burning, fracking tax breaks that lock in the UK’s reliance on gas, or the multi-billion pound windfall due to companies like EDF and Centrica from an unchanged carbon floor price, the energy giants have won another round at the expense of ordinary people.

Meet the Not For Shale legal blockers

Posted by LiamBB — 22 October 2013 at 2:18pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Have you declared your home Not For Shale?

Since last week, nearly 17,000 of us have come together to throw a major spanner in the works of those who want to see Britain fracked. Together, thousands of us living in areas earmarked for potential shale gas extraction have launched a serious legal challenge against underhouse fracking. Now meet a few of the people who have joined the Not For Shale legal block.

Don’t want your home fracked? Just say no!

Posted by LiamBB — 14 October 2013 at 8:33am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Andrew Pemberton of Lytham, Lancashire is not for shale

Years from now, today may be remembered as the day that the UK stood up and declared, "We are not for shale!"

I’ve spent a lot of time in and around actions here at Greenpeace and elsewhere, but rarely have I felt as excited as I do right now about the potential for a major victory, with the launch of and the Not For Shale legal block.

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