
It's quite simple: stop battering cod

Posted by jossc — 2 May 2007 at 11:02am - Comments

Follow the crew of the Arctic Sunrise on their campaign for Marine Reserves in our North Sea Tour blog

The Arctic Sunrise is currently in Bergen, on the west coast of Norway, to stock up on essential supplies and for some crew changeovers. I'm one of a five-strong contingent from the Greenpeace UK office who arrived here late on Sunday night after a 30-hour ferry trip from Newcastle and I'll be your webmaster for the second half of our North Sea Marine Reserves Tour.

Setting sail from Norway

Posted by Willie — 2 May 2007 at 10:47am - Comments

Follow the crew of the Arctic Sunrise on their campaign for Marine Reserves in our North Sea Tour blog

It's half past eight at night, and we've just left Bergen. It's still shorts and t-shirt weather on the deck of the Arctic Sunrise, and many of the crew are out enjoying the scenery as we pass snow-capped mountains en route back to the North Sea.

Catchphrase – Sustainable!

Posted by jossc — 25 April 2007 at 4:59pm - Comments

While the Arctic Sunrise chases trawlers fishing destructively in the North Sea, a large campaign team is challenging exhibitors at the Brussels Seafood Fair with one message – "Is Your Seafood Sustainable?" And after two days we've saturated the venue with this message, creating the 'buzz' we were hoping for, it really is the word everyone is using right now! This, despite a somewhat over-reactive clampdown by the local police on activists displaying banners and leafleting outside the venue. So much for freedom of speech in the European capital…

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