
Portia - ship volunteer

Posted by bex — 9 March 2007 at 11:22am - Comments

Part of the Trident: we don't buy it tour blog

portia.jpgPortia - volunteer

The hospitality of Glasgow jails is a far cry from that of the Amazon, where I was working before joining the Arctic Sunrise as assistant cook come deck hand.

Robert - ship volunteer

Posted by bex — 7 March 2007 at 11:41am - Comments

All aboard the Arctic Sunrise: destination London

Posted by bex — 5 March 2007 at 3:54pm - Comments

Part of the Trident: we don't buy it tour blog

Captain Waldemar back on the bridge again
Captain Waldemar back on the bridge at last.

As we speed along England’s southern coast, the mood is cheery onboard the Arctic Sunrise. The sea's calm, the sun’s out for the first time in days and the ship’s been scrubbed from bow to stern, mopped, painted and generally reclaimed from her extended stay with the Ministry of Defence. And, despite the delays, the we've made excellent time; we look set to reach London on time, where Mayor Ken Livingstone and others are waiting to welcome our Trident: we don't buy it ship tour to the city.

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