Dalian Port

A funeral and a celebration: grim clouds over Dalian

Posted by jamie — 28 July 2010 at 1:35pm - Comments

Fishermen scoop oily sludge from the oil spill in Dalian, China (c) Arthur JD/Greenpeace

Arthur JD writes from Dalian in China...

I arrived in Dalian on the day of the funeral for firefighter Zhang Liang, who drowned beneath the thick crude when his crew jumped into the ocean - without safety gear - to attempt, in vain, to fix an underwater pipe. Our lead photographer, Jiang He, who by now has reached legendary status globally for capturing the final seconds of Zhang's life, continued to cover the very emotional moments of this oil spill disaster.

Slideshow: Tackling dirty oil in China

Posted by jamess — 20 July 2010 at 4:54pm - Comments

Dramatic pictures from our Beijing office today showing what a dangerous substance dirty oil really is.

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