
Delivering low carbon communities

Posted by bex — 28 September 2007 at 1:59pm - Comments

A genuinely clean and efficient energy system isn't just about technology; the decentralised approach also has profound implications for the way we view energy and its "ownership", and the way individulas relate to their communities and to businesses.

At the weekend, we held a session at 100% Design so that experienced practitioners of decentralised energy could share their experiences with businesses, architects and designers. And we took a camera along, again. Here, Juliet Davenport of Good Energy, Pete Halsall of Gallions Reach, and Ben Stimpson of Sky TV talk about their experiences of taking the low carbon road:

Seeing the light at Earls Court

Posted by bex — 21 September 2007 at 3:17pm - Comments

Judging from recent comments on this site, it seems there are a few people out there who still believe the myths that compact fluorescent bulbs are ugly, ungainly and undimmable.

But going green doesn't mean sacrificing good design, and CFLs can be versatile, stylish and even beautiful. We've been working with designer Jason Bruges (he of Wind to Light renown) on an installation using fully dimmable, compact fluorescent bulbs and, well, I'll let the film do the talking:

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