
Transforming Europe’s fishing policy – the end and the beginning

Posted by Willie — 16 April 2014 at 10:27am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

Every ten years the European Union’s set of laws on fishing, the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), gets an overhaul. Today sees that process get its final approval and rubber-stamping from Members of the European Parliament, as they formally approve the last piece of legislation. So it’s a good time to pause and take stock on what CFP reform means, and why this time round has been a game-changer.

Making waves on the long road to fishing reform

Posted by simon clydesdale — 30 May 2013 at 4:07pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Reynaers/Greenpeace
A petition of over 100,000 paper and digital paper boats is delivered to the EU Irish Presidency ahead of crucial CFP meetings

Listen. Can you hear it? No? Come closer. There. The fat CFP lady is beginning to sing.

Make sure the fisheries minister delivers a fair deal on fish law reform

Posted by Willie — 11 June 2012 at 1:38pm - Comments

Last Friday was World Oceans Day. Being an oceans campaigner that, on one hand, means a lot – but on the other it begs the question of why the rest of the world doesn’t think about oceans all the other days, like I do!?

UK minister Benyon flexing his political muscles in Brussels

Posted by Willie — 16 March 2012 at 5:30pm - Comments

EU council meetings are rarely something that the vast majority of us get excited about. These meetings are when the representatives from each of the EU governments get together, to discuss specific topics. Usually it’s the relevant minister who goes, but they are effectively deputising for their government.

Common sense discarded

Posted by Ariana Densham — 20 February 2012 at 4:55pm - Comments

In the same way that discarding perfecting good fish, dead or dying back into sea is a disgrace, so is the attitude of many European fisheries ministers charged with ensuring sustainable fish stocks and viable fishing communities. For years they have ignored the obvious: that if they negotiated policies that allowed fish stocks to recover and championed low impact fishing, they would create more jobs.

Fish Fighting for the oceans! But the battle continues

Posted by simon clydesdale — 8 August 2011 at 9:39pm - Comments

Tonight Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall broadcast Hugh’s Fish Fight: The Battle Continues, his follow-up to the influential BAFTA-winning Fish Fight series broadcast in January. Hugh and his team have clearly been very busy over the last 6 months, and not just in securing Hugh a swish new haircut.

Common Fisheries Policy reform: glimmer of light in a sea of darkness

Posted by Ariana Densham — 15 July 2011 at 3:43pm - Comments

On Wednesday the European Commission launched its proposals for a reform of the way Europe’s seas and fish are managed. After such a positive start back in 2009 when the Commission published its progressive green paper [PDF], it has been downhill ever since.

Will the UK government be a progressive voice on fisheries?

Posted by Ariana Densham — 13 July 2011 at 3:50pm - Comments
Fish in a net
All rights reserved. Credit: Alex Hofford / Greenpeace
Tonight Greenpeace and partners outline proposals for the CFP at the event The Future of EU Fisheries

The day those of us in fish world have been waiting for is upon us. Today the European Commission officially launched its proposals for a new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and finally we'll find out if Europe intends to meet its targets to recover our decimated fish stocks, or bend to the same political pressures of its 40 year history and failing put the environment first.

Hugh's Fish Fight - round two!

Posted by Willie — 4 April 2011 at 12:37pm - Comments
Filming Hugh's Fish Fight
All rights reserved. Credit: Daphne Cristelis/Greenpeace
Filming Hugh's Fish Fight

In the three months since Hugh's Fish Fight screened on Channel 4 there's been a frenzy of activity in the fish trade, thanks to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's investigation into the way our fish is caught and sold. If you missed the series the first time round and are wondering what all the fuss was about, the series is being repeated starting tonight at 10pm on More 4.

European fisheries reform must scrap overfishing

Posted by Ariana Densham — 17 March 2011 at 6:14pm - Comments

For many people, the three words ‘Common Fisheries Policy’ previously went hand in hand with another four words: ‘What does that mean?’ Either that or, a hefty yawn and a glazed look.

But, this is changing.

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