Eyes On The Forest

Yet more proof that Asia Pulp and Paper's green claims don’t stack up

Posted by jamie — 16 February 2012 at 3:04pm - Comments
Deforestation in Sumatra, Indonesia by Sinar Mas supplier PT Arara Abadi
All rights reserved. Credit: Ulet Infansasti/Greenpeace
Deforestation in Sumatra, Indonesia by Sinar Mas supplier PT Arara Abadi

Another blow has been delivered to the credibility of Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), thanks to some excellent work by WWF. In a survey of the certification bodies that APP regularly references to prop up its flimsy claims of sustainability, none of them would support APP's assertions about its environmental performance.

APP pulps trees from its own tiger sanctuary. How dumb is that?

Posted by ianduff — 16 December 2011 at 4:04pm - Comments
Forest and peatland clearance inside APP's Senepis tiger sanctuary
All rights reserved. Credit: Eyes on the Forest/WW Indonesia
This was APP's Senepis Tiger Sanctuary, until one of APP's suppliers cut down the trees

Asia Pulp and Paper – the company doing so much to jeopardise the future of Indonesia's rainforests – has done some pretty stupid things in the past. But pulping the trees in its own tiger sanctuary is astonishingly dumb.

And yet that's exactly what APP has done.

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