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VW Stormtrooper: the comic

Posted by bex — 19 April 2012 at 5:38pm - Comments

For several months, our intrepid active supporters Jedis have been out in force, persuading thousands of members of the public to sign VW Darkside cards - which we've been sending through to the top brass at the VW's headquarters in Milton Keynes, and to their biggest dealerships.

Get active with your local Greenpeace network

Posted by jamie — 11 August 2009 at 11:14am - Comments

If you've been visiting our website regularly, you may have spotted a small but significant change which occurred a couple of weeks ago, when a new 'Community' link appeared in the navigation box to your left. That weeny grey box leads to a whole new section of the website we've been developing over the past year, namely the new online home for our network of active supporter groups across the country.

Pledge action against airport expansion

Posted by bex — 8 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
airport expansion pledge logo

airport expansion pledge logo

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