
Seafood giants join forces to combat pirate fishing in the Barents Sea

Posted by jossc — 31 May 2007 at 3:06pm - Comments

September 2005: Greenpeace activists disrupt the IUU fishing activities of the factory trawler 'Murtosa' in the Barents Sea

September 2005: Greenpeace activists disrupt the IUU fishing activities of the factory trawler 'Murtosa' in the Barents Sea

If you've been following our oceans campaign over the past year or so, you'll know that many fish stocks around the world are in a dangerously depleted state. And while we've had some success here in the UK persuading major retail chains to take a responsible attitude about where the seafood they sell comes from, far too many of the fish we eat still come from unsustainable sources - either from destructive and wasteful fishing methods like beam trawling, or from illegal 'pirate' fishing.

Sustainable seafood breakthough! Sainsbury's move to line-caught fresh cod and haddock

Posted by jossc — 13 April 2007 at 12:27pm - Comments

all sainsbury's fresh cod will be line-caught from May 2007

In a big boost to our 'sustainable seafood' campaign Sainsbury's, the largest fishmonger in the UK, has announced that from the end of April it will sell only line-caught fresh cod and haddock to its 16 million customers.

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