Marine Reserves

Sharks need parks (and for you to stop rubbing them on your face)

Posted by Willie — 29 July 2013 at 4:34pm - Comments
Selfridges Project Ocean save our sharks display
All rights reserved. Credit: Willie Mackenzie
Selfridges Project Ocean - making sharks more fluffy

Okay, so it’s unlikely you’ll ever see a hammerhead on a helter-skelter; it’s fair to say you won’t see many basking sharks see-sawing with sawfish; and woe betide the wobbegong that tries to have a go on a roundabout. But sharks need parks too. They have as much right to play in safety as anyone else, right?

A big step forward for our oceans

Posted by Fran G — 28 June 2012 at 2:07pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Image courtesy of Tourism Queensland

For a long time organisations like Greenpeace, backed by people like you, have been calling for stronger protection of our oceans.

Last week showed our voices were heard. The Australian environment minister Tony Burke announced what is a genuinely significant step forward for ocean protection, not only for Australia, but in global terms. 

The Italian Job: reeling in the Italian tuna industry

Posted by simon clydesdale — 9 March 2012 at 1:56pm - Comments
Tuna and bycatch caught in the east Pacific
All rights reserved. Credit: Alex Hofford/Greenpeace
Tuna and bycatch caught in the east Pacific

The sands in the tuna campaign have shifted again, and the oceans and tuna will ultimately be better off for it. Our Italian colleagues have just announced that the local tinned tuna brand Mareblu has committed to stop using Fads (fish aggregation devices) - the destructive marine minefields that have been blighting the oceans for decades.

Fashion and fish? Selfridges' Project Ocean is a powerful partnership

Posted by Willie — 17 May 2011 at 12:17pm - Comments

Selfridges launched Project Ocean with a bang last week. The legendary department store's front is draped with a giant banner asking ‘No more fish in the sea?.’ Their famed Oxford Street windows are filled with installations on fish issues - grabbing attention and headlines.  And they’ve pulled in a host of celebrity supporters, from Katherine Hamnett to Elle McPherson. But that's just the start of this month long celebration of our seas...

Selfridges launch Project Ocean

Posted by Willie — 11 May 2011 at 6:00pm - Comments

There’s a big splash on Oxford Street today as Selfridges - the world’s best department store, on the busiest shopping street - has been taken over for five weeks to help save our seas with Project Ocean.

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