Project Ocean

New Year's plastic resolution: 5 simple ways to help the ocean.

Posted by Willie — 7 January 2016 at 12:22pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Poldhu Beach Watcher/BBC News

The New Year’s storms have brought a lurid, unmissable reminder to UK beaches, with thousands of bright pink detergent bottles being churned up by the sea. As waves of highly-visible plastic trash hit British beaches, it’s a timely reminder of a much bigger problem: we are turning our oceans into plastic soup. It’s been estimated recently that about EIGHT MILLION TONNES of plastic ends up in the ocean each year.

Sharks need parks (and for you to stop rubbing them on your face)

Posted by Willie — 29 July 2013 at 4:34pm - Comments
Selfridges Project Ocean save our sharks display
All rights reserved. Credit: Willie Mackenzie
Selfridges Project Ocean - making sharks more fluffy

Okay, so it’s unlikely you’ll ever see a hammerhead on a helter-skelter; it’s fair to say you won’t see many basking sharks see-sawing with sawfish; and woe betide the wobbegong that tries to have a go on a roundabout. But sharks need parks too. They have as much right to play in safety as anyone else, right?

UK politicians join forces to fight for better fish laws

Posted by Willie — 19 May 2011 at 2:13pm - Comments

In case you missed it, last week a progressive debate was held in the House of Commons about the future of UK fish: centred on the urgent need for reform of European fisheries laws, and ending the needless waste of excess catch known as ‘discards’.

Fashion and fish? Selfridges' Project Ocean is a powerful partnership

Posted by Willie — 17 May 2011 at 12:17pm - Comments

Selfridges launched Project Ocean with a bang last week. The legendary department store's front is draped with a giant banner asking ‘No more fish in the sea?.’ Their famed Oxford Street windows are filled with installations on fish issues - grabbing attention and headlines.  And they’ve pulled in a host of celebrity supporters, from Katherine Hamnett to Elle McPherson. But that's just the start of this month long celebration of our seas...

Selfridges launch Project Ocean

Posted by Willie — 11 May 2011 at 6:00pm - Comments

There’s a big splash on Oxford Street today as Selfridges - the world’s best department store, on the busiest shopping street - has been taken over for five weeks to help save our seas with Project Ocean.

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