
Going to Glastonbury? Send us your photos and videos

Posted by jamie — 25 June 2008 at 4:04pm - Comments

Tipis at Glastonbury

So, we're here at Glastonbury and, after a few wrong turns on the way here and some hitches pitching my tent (I've never been the best camper), I'm starting to settle into the rhythm of working at the festival.

The Greenpeace field is almost complete and the garden design is quite amazing with covered walkways, vegetable patches and other examples of one planet living. As I write, music is blaring from the skateboard ramp behind me and I can hear the whoosh of wheels as the skaters do their turns.Last night, I was lured into the interactive light installation (another work by Jason Bruges, who created the installation at last year's 100% Light expo) which is quite addictive, especially after a few cans of Strongbow. Watch this video on our moblog to get some idea of what it's about.

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