
In pictures: Chinese coal giant plunders Inner Mongolia's water resources

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 23 October 2013 at 12:00am - Comments
Local farmer Hu Shan
All rights reserved. Credit: © Bo Qiu / Greenpeace
Local farmer Hu Shan pulls up a dead yang chai bush near Shenhua's Number 8 water well

We’ve had a fantastic, hot summer this year, cooling down with a drink of water whenever needed.

So when I look at Bo Qiu’s photo feature of water shortages in Inner Mongolia it is a strong reminder that easy access to clean water is not a given for everyone.

Osborne's plan for the UK: pollute our way to growth

Posted by petespeller — 1 December 2011 at 11:19am - Comments
by-nc-sa. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace

George Osborne launched an assault on green measures in his Autumn Statement that reads as if it were written by the UK’s biggest polluters. Tax breaks for heavy polluters, renewed support for airport expansion, opening the countryside to development, more roads and a freeze on fuel duty  - all this adds up to the dirtiest budget in recent history.

Create a revolution in your wardrobe - part two

Posted by Louise Edge — 9 August 2011 at 2:58pm - Comments

In the second half of our tips on greening your wardrobe - to help you clean up your clothing inspired by our Detox campaign - we look at saying no to child labour, questioning distressed denim, avoiding greenwash, spring cleaning, speaking out and spreading the word.

Create a revolution in your wardrobe - part one

Posted by Louise Edge — 2 August 2011 at 5:01pm - Comments

Has our Detox campaign made you think about your clothes and their hidden consequences? You may already heart second hand, throwaway fashion makes you ill, and your mantra is quality not quantity. But how else can you align your sartorial and sustainable sides? Here's our first set of tips to help decrease your fashion's footprint.

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