Second Life

Celebrate Earth Day in Second Life

Posted by jamie — 21 April 2009 at 1:36pm - Comments

Aboard the Second Life ship, the DoveAboard the Second Life ship, the Dove If you don't have any plans this Sunday and would like to hang out with some fellow eco-minded people, come along to the Earth Week event being held on the Greenpeace ship in the virtual world of Second Life.

There's a whole week of happenings to commerorate Earth Day and the Second Life Greenpeace supporter group will be celebrating the many successes we've had over the years, which (as with our new Inspiring Action video) will be helping to recruit new climate activists.

Drop by anytime between 6 and 9pm BST on Sunday 26 April (that's 10am to 1pm Second Life time) - just click this link to be taken to the embarkation point if you already have Second Life set up. I'll be there, trying to make sure I don't look like a complete newbie so come and say hello!

A virtual party on a virtual ship

Posted by jamie — 25 February 2009 at 11:27am - Comments

The Dove in Second Life Tonight there's a party being held on a Greenpeace ship to which everyone is invited. Go on board, look around, chat to the other guests. Just one small point - the ship isn't docked in the Amazon or Tokyo or Rotterdam, it's in popular virtual world phenomenon Second Life.

'The Dove', currently anchored off Commonwealth Island, is the creation of a group of Greenpeace supporters in Second Life and one in particular - who goes by the name of Anise Dollopofmayo in-world - has been doing the virtual equivalent of beating the panels and raising the masts. Along with the information hut which has been there for some time, the ship is going to act as a venue for events (such as tonight's party) and a recruitment point for new members.

The shindig runs from 7.30 to 9.30pm GMT (or 11.30am to 1.30pm Second Life time) and click this link to be teleported to the embarkation point. If you haven't used Second Life before (which you can download here), it's only fair to warn you that you'll need to go through an induction process when you first log in which can take some time.

It's certainly an experience, although my flying skills are not all they could be and I have a tendency to crash in spectacular fashion. Oh, the humiliation.

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