
Repeat offender – the Russian factory trawler seized by Senegal

Posted by Willie — 14 January 2014 at 4:08pm - Comments
Greenpace takes action aginst Russian trawler fishing illegally in West Africa
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Greenpeace encounters the Oleg Naydenov fishing illegally in 2012

Have you heard the one about Greenpeace controlling the French Navy? No, me neither. But you might be forgiven for being confused by some recent reports about the Russian trawler seized in West Africa.

Pirate fishing is a big problem. Sometimes it’s fishing over quota (catching more than you should, or species that you shouldn’t), sometimes it’s fishing in ways or places you shouldn’t. Overfishing may seem like a victimless crime – but it isn’t, and the ultimate effect is bad news for our oceans, the creatures that live in them, and the humans whose livelihoods or future food source depends on them.

Tackling overfishing from the Pacific to the Atlantic

Posted by Nina Schrank — 13 August 2013 at 12:34pm - Comments
Senegalese fishermen in a traditional 'Pirogue' boat
All rights reserved. Credit: Clement Tardif
Fishermen in Senegal in a traditional pirogue boat

You may have been lucky enough to see the superb National Geographic programme Mission To Save The Ocean last Saturday. If not, don’t worry, I’ll give you the rundown here.

The programme went across the globe to West Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, following Greenpeace campaigners tackling the root causes of overfishing.

Launching Greenpeace Africa

Posted by bex — 14 November 2008 at 6:28pm - Comments

"While the environmental threats facing Africans are urgent and critical, Africa is in a position to leapfrog dirty development and become a leader in helping to avert catastrophic climate change and protect the natural environment. We are here to help make that happen."

Amadou Kanoute, Executive Director of Greenpeace Africa.


Greenpeace Africa is here! Marking a whole new era for Greenpeace, we opened our first African office yesterday, in Johannesburg. In the coming weeks, we'll be opening two more - one in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the other in Senegal.

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