Stora Enso

Russian forestry agency launches investigation into illegal logging

Posted by jamie — 13 March 2007 at 7:04pm - Comments

Activists being removed from their blockade of the Stora Enso headquarters in Helsinki Amidst all the current hoo-hah about Trident, we have some good news from Russia or, at least, the potential for good news.

Back in September, our Partners in Crime report revealed how Finland is importing vast quantities of timber logged illegally in neighbouring Russia. According to federal law, all forestry management plans must undergo an Environmental Impact Assessment - in the republic of Karelia these assessments are not being done yet the local government continues to hand out logging permits.

However, this week the Head of the Federal Forestry Agency in Russia has ordered an immediate investigation into the problem, appointing a commission to report back next month. This is a huge step forward and acknowledges the scale of the problem - of all the timber felled in Karelia, the majority is illegal.

Greenpeace blocks pulp cargo from destroyed forests

Posted by admin — 7 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Greenpeace activists prevent Finnlines freight ship 'Antares' from loading pulp and paper in the Finnish port of Kemi

A huge cargo of pulp and paper made from wrecked ancient forests has been blocked from leaving Finland today by Greenpeace activists.

No respite for Finland's ancient forests

Posted by admin — 16 June 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Female bear and her young in old-growth Finnish forest

Metsähallitus, the Finnish state-owned logging company, has unilaterally terminated all negotiations with the Sami reindeer herding co-operatives and has said that the logging moratorium on 90,000 hectares of important reindeer grazing forests is over. Logging could restart as early as August.

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