
Tesco must end their pesticide habit

Posted by mollybrooks — 15 November 2011 at 4:10pm - Comments
Presenting a letter to Tesco HQ in Beijing
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Fruit and vegetables sold by Tesco in China carry illegal levels of pesticides

Evan Brooks blogs about Greenpeace East Asia’s investigation into pesticides on Tesco produce.

After three years of independent testing, produce sold at Tesco supermarkets in China continues to show levels of pesticides far above the legal limit. When is Tesco going to wake up and smell the chemically-doused produce?

Big clothing brands like H&M are listening to you

Posted by jamie — 27 October 2011 at 2:55pm - Comments
Greenpeace volunteer talks to a passer-by outside H&M in Stockholm
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace/Ludvig Tillman
Fast results in fast fashion: you persuaded H&M to publish its restricted substances list

Tommy Crawford, communications manager on the Detox campaign, reveals the latest success story in getting clothing brands to ditch toxic chemicals.

As fashion-lovers around the world ponder over which clothes to add to their Christmas wishlists, news about a different list linked to the fashion industry has got the Detox team here buzzing. I’m talking about H&M’s Restricted Substance List, a detailed version of which appeared for the first time on the company’s website this month.

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