
The winners and losers: tinned tuna league table kicks off new campaign to end destructive fishing

Posted by Ariana Densham — 2 October 2015 at 4:29pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Emily Buchanan
John West are failing to meet their commitment to source sustainable tuna

The new Greenpeace tinned tuna league table exposes the wide gulf between UK supermarkets and brands which have taken sustainability seriously and those which have simply broken promises to clean up. Use this to help you decide which brands to buy and which to avoid until they improve. 


For the first time, this league table ranks brands on a wider range of issues. Yes, there’s fishing methods of course, but we’ve also rated them on;

Breaking: Tesco backs down and Oriental & Pacific cleans up

Posted by Ariana Densham — 10 April 2014 at 1:27pm - Comments
Olive Ridley turtle in the Pacific Ocean
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Hilton / Greenpeace
Olive Ridley turtle in the Pacific Ocean

I’m so happy to announce that after we released our 2014 tuna league table, and after all your emails, tweets and calls to Tesco over the last few weeks – we have a fantastic victory. The manufacturer of Oriental & Pacific tuna has agreed to our demands. This means that fewer sharks, turtles and rays will be killed as a result of the method used to fish this tuna.

3 ways Tesco is lying to its customers

Posted by Ariana Densham — 28 March 2014 at 6:49pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

Busted: Tesco are dishing out fishy lies again. And they’re hoping that we’ll all swallow it, hook, line and sinker.

That tuna doesn't belong there!

Posted by victoriah — 11 March 2014 at 3:52pm - Comments

Dirty, unsustainable tuna like Oriental and Pacific doesn’t belong on Tesco shelves (for more about why that is, check out this story, or read on!)

Which has got a lot of people thinking. Where else does Oriental and Pacific not belong?

Well for one, it certainly doesn't belong hidden in other parts of the shop. Does it?

5 simple ways to get dodgy tuna off Tesco shelves

Posted by victoriah — 6 March 2014 at 6:04pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Tesco customers return Oriental and Pacific tuna

We’re getting closer to victory.

Just a few days ago, Tesco was hit by a massive outcry over dodgy tuna. An incredible 60,000 people called on them to remove Oriental and Pacific, a cut-price tinned tuna fished with destructive methods, killing sharks, turtles and rays (some of which are endangered) alongside the tuna.

Translating Tesco-speak on tinned tuna policy

Posted by Willie — 3 March 2014 at 2:23pm - Comments

We’ve nailed Tesco on being a Dodgy Dealer over tinned tuna. The issue was explained in Hugh’s last Fish Fight programme on Sunday night, but Tesco customers could be excused for being a little confused at what exactly is going on.

From win to bin: our 2014 tuna league table

Posted by Ariana Densham — 28 February 2014 at 6:59pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
2014 Tuna League Table

The results are in!

Which tinned tuna brands win, and which ones are fit for the bin? This tinned tuna league table reveals exactly how the tins stack up.

Tesco must end their pesticide habit

Posted by mollybrooks — 15 November 2011 at 4:10pm - Comments
Presenting a letter to Tesco HQ in Beijing
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Fruit and vegetables sold by Tesco in China carry illegal levels of pesticides

Evan Brooks blogs about Greenpeace East Asia’s investigation into pesticides on Tesco produce.

After three years of independent testing, produce sold at Tesco supermarkets in China continues to show levels of pesticides far above the legal limit. When is Tesco going to wake up and smell the chemically-doused produce?

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