
What does your car say about you?

Posted by jamie — 21 July 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

The UK is baking in the summer heat - and in London, the Motor Show has started. So ask yourself, what does your car say about you?

(Warning: the video contains some mildly rude words...)

Greenpeace Motor Show Blog

Posted by bex — 20 July 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

The British International Motor Show is in town and we're blogging the entire event reporting on the latest gas guzzlers. This year’s motor show will see the launch of the first right-hand drive Hummer. Based on a war fighting assault vehicle, the Hummer’s size and fuel consumption will make it a deadly addition to the fleet of Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) on the roads of our cities. Our mole inside the motor show will also pontificate about the latest fuel efficient and electric cars on the lot.

Read the whole Motor Show blog..

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