
BAA rapped for 'misleading' third runway advert

Posted by jamie — 26 August 2009 at 12:17pm - Comments

For as long as it's been pushing for an expanded Heathrow, BAA has been making exaggerated claims about the environmental impacts of a third runway. Now they, along with aviation lobbying group Future Heathrow, have been hauled up by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for making "misleading" claims about the levels of dirt, noise and air pollution a new runway will generate.

High court judge to hear Heathrow case later this year

Posted by jamie — 7 August 2009 at 12:12pm - Comments

After this week's high speed rail blinder, there's more good news on the road towards halting airport expansion. In the lofty legal realms of the High Court, a decision has been made to give the case against a third runway at Heathrow a public hearing. The case is being brought by an unprecedented coalition of groups, including Greenpeace, local councils, CPRE, HACAN, NoTRAG and WWF.

Trains, not planes: high speed rail plan gives airport expansion what for

Posted by jamie — 5 August 2009 at 3:16pm - Comments

When the new Eurostar terminal opened at St Pancras in 2007, we gave it a big thumbs up

In one fell swoop, a massive hole has been blown in the government's aviation policy. And the person holding the detonator is not a member of the shadow cabinet or even a group of campaigners, but no lesser person than the transport secretary Lord Adonis and his plan for a network of high speed trains for the UK. Crikey.

Miliband's energy blueprint: more hot air or full steam ahead?

Posted by jamie — 15 July 2009 at 6:20pm - Comments

While today is unlikely to go down in the annals of history as Green Wednesday, it's still a significant day for those of us concerned about climate change as climate and energy secretary Ed Miliband unveils his big energy strategy.

The strategy - the Low Carbon Transition Plan, no less - comes in the form of not one but a whole ream of papers (including an energy white paper) covering renewable energy, transport, industry and carbon budgets. Together, they form a blueprint explaining how the government hopes to achieve the emissions reductions it's legally obliged to deliver, thanks to the EU renewable energy targets and the UK's own Climate Change Act.

Was it a red letter day for green energy? Let's see.

Greenpeace podcast: Airplot and a week of Heathrow drama

Posted by jamie — 3 February 2009 at 5:40pm - Comments

The latest episode of our podcast is all about Heathrow and the plan to build a third runway. James visited the plot of land we've bought on the proposed site of the new runway, while Joss went to find out why organisations from the National Trust to the RSPB are also opposed to the idea. Meanwhile, Christian went to see what happened at the latest Climate Rush event down at Heathrow's Terminal 1.

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Join the plot to stop the third runway
The case against Heathrow
Climate Rush

Sign the 'no third runway' petition on Number 10's website

Posted by jamie — 16 January 2009 at 4:51pm - Comments

The land bought by Greenpeace on the site of the planned third runway

One day, all this will be yours... No wait, it already is!
© Rezac/Greenpeace

I meant to set up one of these yesterday but never quite got round to it, so I'm really pleased to see someone else (thanks, David Morgan!) has set up a Heathrow petition on the Number 10 website. If you're itching for another way to vent your anger at the government's appalling decision, sign it now.

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