
Sunrise now webcammed up

Posted by jossc — 31 March 2008 at 1:30pm - Comments

Arctic Sunrise webcam

Arctic Sunrise this week became the latest ship in the Greenpeace fleet to carry its own webcam. The webcam updates every minute, so now you can follow the ship's progress almost in real-time, 24 hours a day. Thanks are due to radio operator Thom and external systems expert Wout for making this possible.

The image above was taken as the ship headed into the French port of Cherbourg for a routine maintenance check after the recent successful action at Caen, where the crew successfully prevented a shipment of Amazon timber, acquired from companies linked to illegal logging activities, from entering the EU.

Watch the webcam here. And in case you're confused, that's the stern which it's pointing at - the big 'H' painted on the deck is to show helicopters where to land!

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