go beyond oil

World’s largest polar bear puppet to lead Arctic mass parade to Westminster and Shell’s HQ

Last edited 3 September 2013 at 2:08pm

For immediate release

3 September, 2013

The sight of a double-decker-bus-size polar bear marionette lumbering past the Houses of Parliament and unleashing a glacial roar at oil giant Shell’s HQ is going to be among the highlights of a street parade which will stream through central London on 15 September calling for the fragile Arctic to be protected.

The family-friendly event organised by Greenpeace will see hundreds of people in polar bear and other Arctic-themed costumes walk and cycle over Westminster Bridge and past the London Eye on their way to the Shell Centre, in protest against the oil giant’s plans to drill in the Arctic. The London parade will be the spectacular highlight of Ice Ride, a global day of action to protect the Arctic marked by mass cycling events happening in 75 cities worldwide, from Bangkok to Johannesburg, Toronto to Mexico City.

Russia shuts Greenpeace out of Arctic Sea route, stifles criticism of oil industry

Last edited 21 August 2013 at 5:02pm
21 August, 2013

Wednesday August 21 (Barents Sea) - The Russian Government has denied permission for the Greenpeace icebreaker Arctic Sunrise to enter the increasingly busy Northern Sea Route (NSR), despite the ship having fulfilled all the requirements for such an entry.

Greenpeace International claims the decision is an attempt to prevent it from exposing the activities of Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft. Multiple vessels contracted by Rosneft and US partner ExxonMobil are conducting seismic testing and geological work in the Kara Sea  - in preparation for offshore Arctic drilling.

New year, new VW?

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 11 January 2013 at 5:52pm - Comments
Activists protest VW at the Vienna car show
All rights reserved. Credit: Georg Mayer / Greenpeace

How’s your New Year’s resolutions list going? We’re waiting to hear how Volkswagen has begun 2013.

This morning more than 25 Greenpeace activists protested against the carmaker’s stance on the climate outside the Vienna car show. Handing out leaflets and making the point that VW can do better, we were hoping that the company makes some strong commitments.

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