
Emma Thompson to break Shell injunction in Arctic drilling protest

Last edited 2 September 2015 at 10:41am
2 September, 2015

Acclaimed British actor and screenwriter Emma Thompson has just announced she will be joining an act of mass defiance against a Shell legal injunction later today, in protest against the company’s Arctic oil drilling.

Speaking after performing a self-penned poem in front of the oil giant’s HQ, Emma told the press she is going to be the first of scores of people to break a legal injunction banning Greenpeace UK staff and activists from crossing a line drawn around the Shell building on the South Bank.

Emma Thompson joins gigantic polar bear in mass protest at Shell’s Southbank HQ

Last edited 2 September 2015 at 7:06am
2 September, 2015

A colossal polar bear puppet the size of a double decker bus has descended on Shell’s South Bank headquarters overnight. Acclaimed British actor and screenwriter Emma Thompson joined 64 activists and puppeteers who manoeuvred the towering creature to rest just metres away from Shell’s front entrance.

It’s intended the polar bear titan will remain fixed there until Shell’s Arctic drilling window ends later this month. Six protesters are inside the bear, locked to her so she can't be removed.

Walking with Aurora, the giant polar bear

Posted by Fran G — 25 December 2013 at 1:00am - Comments

If you cast your mind back a few months to September - before the Arctic Sunrise was seized and all 30 people on board were arrested and held in Russia - you might remember Aurora, the giant polar bear that walked through central London.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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