home office

Government agrees to enquiry into use of illegal Indonesian rainforest timber on Home Office site

Last edited 6 June 2003 at 8:00am
6 June, 2003

18.30pm Thursday 5th June, 2003. The Government today backed down and agreed to launch an enquiry into the use of Indonesian rainforest timber on the Home Office HQ site , 2 Marsham St, Westminster. In response eleven Greenpeace climbers who have occupied four 40 metre high cranes on the site for the past 2 days agreed to end their occupation and abseiled down from the cranes. The climbers (9 men and 2 women) were escorted off the site.

Greenpeace occupies new Home Office HQGovernment caught trashing Indonesia's last rainforests

Last edited 4 June 2003 at 8:00am
4 June, 2003

Wednesday 4th June, 2003 - London

At 6am this morning Greenpeace volunteers occupied the construction site of the new Home Office HQ at 2 Marsham Street, Westminster (1) and declared it an ancient forest crime scene. Eleven Greenpeace climbers scaled and occupied four huge cranes on the site and hung banners saying 'Rainforest Demolition Site'.

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