ken livingstone

Ken's low carbon London

Posted by bex — 20 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

London Mayor Ken Livingstone

It's the capital of the UK, the biggest energy demand centre in the country and the largest city in Europe. And it can slash its CO2emissions, gas consumption and reliance on fossil fuels without nuclear power.

Mayor Rejects Nuclear London

Last edited 16 March 2006 at 9:00am
16 March, 2006

This Thursday (16th March) Ken Livingstone will criticise proposals for building new nuclear power stations across the UK as he outlines his vision for a low carbon London at the Greenpeace Business Lecture.

Addressing business leaders at the Greenpeace lecture the Mayor will launch a new report, Powering London into the 21st century. The report details how decentralising London's energy would be far more efficient in cutting the city's CO2 emissions, and the demand for imported gas as opposed to pursuing a centralised nuclear power focused national energy policy (1).

Ken Livingstone backs call to stop Edmonton incinerator expansion

Last edited 10 October 2000 at 8:00am
10 October, 2000

Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, has joined the calls to stop the expansion of Edmonton Incinerator. Speaking at the 'Meet the Mayor Event at the IMAX Cinema near Waterloo, he said that there should be no expansion of incineration capacity in London and that the city should achieve 40% recycling rates so that incineration was unnecessary.

Greenpeace rejected claims by London Waste Ltd that the action at Edmonton incinerator resulted in pile ups of domestic and clinical waste.

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