
Up where the air isn’t clear

Posted by Emily Randall — 6 January 2017 at 12:22pm - Comments
Mary Poppins in air pollution mask over Westminster to highlight air pollution
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace / Chris Ratcliffe
Mary Poppins in air pollution mask flies over Westminster to highlight air pollution in the UK

Children’s hero Mary Poppins is back. But the air isn’t clear as she makes her descent - she has to wear an air pollution mask to cut through the toxic fumes.

Clean Air Now? Sadiq Khan Responds

Posted by Sadiq Khan — 25 April 2016 at 10:53am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeacce

This blog below written by the Labour candidate for the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan. It's part of a series of blogs by candidates for London Mayor. We're also featuing blogs by Caroline Pidgeon (Liberal Democrat), Zac Goldsmith (Conservative) and Sian Berry (Green Party).

Walking with Aurora, the giant polar bear

Posted by Fran G — 25 December 2013 at 1:00am - Comments

If you cast your mind back a few months to September - before the Arctic Sunrise was seized and all 30 people on board were arrested and held in Russia - you might remember Aurora, the giant polar bear that walked through central London.

Video: how to climb the tallest building in western Europe

Posted by victoriah — 24 July 2013 at 6:08pm - Comments

Since the six of us climbed the Shard, many people have asked: how did we do it? How much training did it take? How did we go to the toilet?

Arctic in London with amazing 3D projection ft. Jason Mraz and Ezra Miller

Posted by Nic S — 25 April 2013 at 5:12pm - Comments

Last Saturday, the Arctic arrived in the UK. The I ♥ Arctic global day of action saw more than 10,000 of us around the world, in more than 280 cities, come together in a declaration of love for the Arctic. The day culminated in a massive effort from amazing volunteers and donated equipment, in the production of the biggest Arctic landscape the streets of London have ever seen - testament to the collective creativity of passionate people.

The Arctic, live, in central London

Posted by sara_a — 4 April 2013 at 10:19pm - Comments

This April is a big month for the Arctic. Our expedition of young leaders making the long trek to reach the North Pole is nearly underway. When they reach the North Pole, they will lower the time capsule containing nearly 3 million names of people who have joined the global call to Save the Arctic, and plant the Flag for the Future. And when they do that, our movement will come together across the planet.

Live: mass closure of Shell petrol stations in London and Edinburgh

Posted by Nic S — 16 July 2012 at 7:08am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Oil spill prevention unit out in force in London today to #tellshell not to destroy the Arctic

It's action stations at the petrol stations. Right now, teams of Greenpeace volunteers are shutting Shell forecourts across London and Edinburgh. The teams are fanning out across the two cities, going station to station shutting down the pumps. In total, over 100 forecourts will be out of action, and it's all because Shell has a fleet of vessels on its way to the Arctic where they'll be drilling for oil in the next few weeks.

Who's the greenest London mayor candidate?

Posted by petespeller — 26 April 2012 at 4:10pm - Comments
A row of "Boris bikes"
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace
"Boris bikes" were an initiative of Ken Livingstone implemented by Boris Johnson

People look to world cities like London to provide political leadership on national and international problems like ending our oil and gas addiction. With exactly a week to go before the May 3rd London elections, we’ve teamed up with Friends of the Earth to look at how the main four candidates shape up.

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