
Farmers pull out of GM trials

Last edited 24 March 2000 at 9:00am
24 March, 2000

Reacting to the news that two farmers, listed by the DETR last week as part of 31 taking part in the GM farms scale trial programme, have pulled out in response to local opposition, Andy Tait, Greenpeace GM campaigner said,

" It is great news that farmers have responded to this strong local rejection of GM trials by pulling out of the farm scale trial programme,

Scientific Steering Committee on GM crop trials meets tomorrow

Last edited 21 March 2000 at 9:00am
21 March, 2000

Committee will decide on next round of GM plantings

The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meets tomorrow morning (10/3/00) at the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) to agree the national programme of GM crop trials for 2000.

Tesco bans crops grown on GM test sites

Last edited 6 January 2000 at 9:00am
6 January, 2000

Tesco, the UK's largest food retailer, has written to its suppliers instructing them not to grow crops on sites used for the testing of genetically modified crops. The letter to suppliers states that "We need to be able to assure our customers that no material from GM crop trials could come in contact with our crops. Therefore any crop grown for Tesco MUST NOT [Tesco's emphasis] be grown in a field that has been used for GM trial crops".

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