manchester city football club

Good energy in Manchester: hope, revelation and 'Grid 2.0'

Posted by bex — 5 October 2007 at 2:24pm - Comments

Update (15/10/2007): Our video interview with Pete Bradshaw of Man City FC is now included:

And there's a podcast from the event on

I've been an avid (my friends might say evangelical) fan of decentralised energy ever since I first got my head around it. When I started working for Greenpeace, the organisation was in full swing on a decentralised energy campaign and part of my job was to communicate what it is and why it can do so much more than nuclear to combat climate change.

There have followed 20 months (for me) of virtual shouting from the rooftops. Films have been produced; countless blogs have been written; submissions have been made to energy reviews and audit committees; our campaigners and policy boffins have met with government representatives; dozens of volunteers have visited MPs; many thousands more have written to theirs.

Manchester City Football Club, Greenpeace and Ecotricity join forces to fight climate change

Last edited 26 September 2007 at 4:00pm
26 September, 2007

The world's greenest football club – Manchester City – is teaming up with Greenpeace and leading green energy company Ecotricity to combat global warming.

The City of Manchester Stadium, which is set to be the first football ground in the world to be powered by green energy when they erect an 85 metre wind turbine, will broadcast a new film showing the solution to climate change on Thursday evening.

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