
Protesting against an illegal war? Unlawful rule Law Lords

Last edited 29 March 2006 at 9:00am
29 March, 2006

Responding to today's ruling by the Law Lords that protestors who tried to stop the invasion of Iraq had no right to argue in court that they were opposing an illegal war, Greenpeace anti-war campaigner Ben Ayliffe said:

"We are very disappointed by the Lords verdict. It is bizarre that people who followed their conscience to prevent an illegal war are penalised while the architects of that war get away scot free."

The crime of (opposing) war

Last edited 24 February 2006 at 9:00am
Greenpeace activist boards the Magdelana Green to prevent it from leaving for the Gulf

Greenpeace activist boards the Magdelana Green to prevent it from leaving for the Gulf

You cross a neighbour's lawn to stop a mugging. The police arrest you for trespass. In your defence in court, wouldn't you say the fact that you were attempting to stop a crime would be a relevant fact?