nuclear weapons

30 years campaigning to eliminate nuclear weapons: From Amchitka to Kwajalein

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
22 March, 2007

Greenpeace's campaign to stop a Star Wars missile system evolves from a thirty-year history campaigning for nuclear disarmament.

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5 reasons to oppose Star Wars

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
28 February, 2001

Greenpeace opposes the U.S. Star Wars Missile plan because such a system would ignite a new nuclear arms race. Should the plan go ahead Americans will spend hundreds of billions of tax dollars for a technically flawed scheme that offers only the illusion of protection. There will also be increased nuclear dangers in a world where there are far more nuclear weapons as countries such as China bolster their nuclear arsenals to overcome Star Wars. "Star Wars" sole beneficiaries will be U.S.

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Government puts terror groups a step nearer to nuclear bombs- Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth court challenge likely

Last edited 3 October 2001 at 8:00am
3 October, 2001

The UK Government's approval, announced today, for a controversial new plutonium fuel facility at the Sellafield nuclear complex will increase the risk of terrorists seizing weapons usable material, Greenpeace has warned.

The group said the decision to give the go-ahead to British Nuclear Fuels' mixed oxide or 'MOX' fuel plant and its associated exports was "dangerously irresponsible and "an affront to the international community". On Monday, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called upon the world to work together to reduce the risks of terror groups obtaining nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Today's move ignores that call and extends the proliferation of plutonium around the world.

NATO foreign ministers meeting

Last edited 21 January 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
21 January, 2001

NATO Foreign Ministers meeting as the North Atlantic Council in Brussels have one main item on their official agenda - to formally endorse a report on NATO arms control and disarmament policy.

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Ten Greenpeace volunteers arrested in demonstration against HMS Tireless in Gibraltar

Last edited 16 January 2001 at 9:00am
16 January, 2001

Ten Greenpeace volunteers were arrested in Gibraltar this morning (8.30am local time) following a demonstration against the British nuclear submarine HMS Tireless, currently anchored in Gibraltar harbour. The demonstration involved twenty volunteers from Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy and Andorra. The protest was to demand the elimination of nuclear reactors and arms from the oceans.

Secret shipment of nuclear bomb material from Europe to Japan

Last edited 2 June 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
31 July, 1999

DURING the week beginning July 12th, two ships carrying a secret cargo of dangerous, nuclear weapons-usable plutonium fuel will leave ports in Britain and France and sail around the globe to Japan. On board will be fuel containing more plutonium than in the entire Indian nuclear weapons program.

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Shipment of nuclear bomb material from Europe via Cape of Good Hope to Japan

Last edited 2 June 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
31 August, 1999

On the 21st of July, two ships carrying a cargo of dangerous, weapons-usable plutonium fuel left Europe to sail around the globe, via Cape of Good Hope and the South West Pacific Ocean, to Japan. On board is nuclear fuel containing more nuclear weapons usable material than in the entire Indian and Pakistan nuclear weapons programmes.

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Sellafield and jobs

Last edited 2 June 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
2 June, 2000

A future for West Cumbria

There is currently considerable concern amongst BNFL employees, and most people living in West Cumbria, that ending nuclear reprocessing at Sellafield would mean massive job losses and be devastating to the local area. Stopping nuclear reprocessing is nevertheless essential to protect the environment and the health of future generations, and to end the nuclear proliferation threat caused by separating nuclear weapons-usable plutonium.

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Lockheed Martin's Safety Record

Last edited 16 February 2000 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
28 February, 2000

A summary of Lockheed Martin's health, safety and environment record

Lockheed Martin used to manage Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant currently subject to fierce official condemnation. It currently manages on behalf of the US Department of Energy four sites related to nuclear weapons.

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