NATO Secretary General says silly thing

Last edited 19 June 2014 at 5:29pm
19 June, 2014

In response to comments from the NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Russia, Environmental NGOs and fracking, a Greenpeace spokesperson said:

"Greenpeace had thirty of its people locked up in Russian prisons last year, threatened with fifteen years in jail. The idea we’re puppets of Putin is so preposterous that you have to wonder what they’re smoking over at NATO HQ. Mr Rasmussen should spend less time dreaming up conspiracy theories and more time on the facts. Fracked gas will probably cost more than Russian imports, there’s little chance fracking will generate more than a small fraction of Europe’s gas needs and it won’t even do that for at least ten years.

Nukes out of Europe - the Cold War is Over

Posted by jossc — 31 March 2010 at 2:56pm - Comments

Before sun-up yesterday morning a Greenpeace team scaled the mesh and barbed wire fence surrounding the US Air Force base at Kleine Brogel in Belgium.

Their mission? To block the runway and prevent nuclear capable F-16 bombers taking off for their morning training session.

NATO HQ blocked by replica nuclear missile

Last edited 8 June 2006 at 8:00am
Greenpeace activists block NATO's Brussels HQ with a full-size replica of a US B61 nuclear bomb

Greenpeace activists block NATO's Brussels HQ with a full-size replica of a US B61 nuclear bomb

Twenty four Greenpeace activists from the UK. Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey were arrested this morning after staging a protest at NATO's Brussels headquarters. Their demand: removal of the 480 US-owned and controlled nuclear weapons from Europe. The action occurred as NATO Defence Ministers prepared for a high-level meeting on the future of NATO.

NATO foreign ministers meeting

Last edited 21 January 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
21 January, 2001

NATO Foreign Ministers meeting as the North Atlantic Council in Brussels have one main item on their official agenda - to formally endorse a report on NATO arms control and disarmament policy.

Download the report: