
Book industry is turning green but huge publisher Hachette bucks the trend

Posted by jamie — 11 December 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Many bestsellers are now printed on forest friendly paper

We haven't made a lot of fuss about the Book Campaign for a while, but it's been slowly simmering in the background and the results have been pretty impressive. Publishers have been keen to adopt forest friendly policies so they use more recycled paper and paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, and to date over 40 per cent of UK publishers are on the road to going green.

The Book Campaign heads to Hay-on-Wye Festival

Posted by admin — 31 May 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Tony Benn adds his signature in support of the Book Campaign

A team of staff and volunteers were busy working away at this year's Hay on Wye Book Festival - promoting the Greenpeace Book Campaign to the tens of thousands of authors, publishers and members of the general public who descend on Hay once a year for a feast of literary talks, films and workshops.

Canadian book publishers set to go ancient forest friendly

Posted by admin — 3 November 2004 at 9:00am - Comments

FSC paper

When the Markets Initiative started, Canada's publishing houses were largely sourcing virgin wood pulp from Canadian forests, with a high percentage from ancient forests. No publishers were consistently printing on recycled paper, no printers stocked ancient forest friendly (recycled/FSC certified) papers, and no such paper was being produced as a standard book sheet.

MQP commits to go 'ancient forest friendly' over next 3 years

Posted by admin — 25 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments

UK book publisher MQ Publications, have adopted an 'ancient forest friendly' procurement policy that commits the company to move all its books onto recycled and/or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper over the next three years. This follows our collaboration with them as part of the Greenpeace Book Campaign.

Isabel Allende urges HarperCollins go 'Ancient Forest Friendly'

Last edited 29 September 2004 at 8:00am
29 September, 2004

Leading Chilean author Isabel Allende and Greenpeace are urging Harper Collins, Allende's UK publisher, to print the UK edition of her latest book, 'Forest of the Pygmies', on ancient forest friendly paper (1).

Allende's Spanish publisher Random House Mondadori have printed one edition of the book on 100% recycled paper and another on 30% FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) (2) certified paper. Today, Greenpeace are delivering copies of the ancient forest friendly book to Victoria Barnsley, CEO of Harper Collins, in an effort to encourage her do the same.

The Paper Trail

Last edited 29 August 2004 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
29 August, 2003

A Publisher's Guide


A Greenpeace guide to sourcing ancient forest friendly paper for the UK book publishing industry.

Download the report:

Greenpeace launches new campaign to green the UK book publishing industry

Last edited 7 October 2003 at 8:00am
7 October, 2003
Save or Delete - illustration by Quentin Blake

Save or Delete - illustration by Quentin Blake

On October 3rd Greenpeace will launch a new campaign that aims to green the UK book publishing sector.

Fourteen leading UK authors, including JK Rowling, Philip Pullman, Helen Fielding, John O'Farrell and Joanna Trollope (1) have already pledged to support the campaign and ensure that their next books are printed on 'ancient forest friendly' paper.

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