
Greenpeace launches campaign against Trident replacement

Last edited 13 October 2005 at 8:00am
13 October, 2005

The Government will make a decision on whether to build a new nuclear weapon system to replace Trident in this parliament.

This is a key decision for the UK and the world. A decision to build a new UK nuclear bomb will endanger the threatened Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the only international legally binding treaties covering nuclear disarmament. If they fall we face a breakdown of international co-operation leading to a nuclear free for all.

Where are the UK's nuclear ambitions taking us?

Last edited 26 September 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
26 September, 2005


We now have an extraordinary opportunity to deal with the threat of nuclear weapons. There is no military conflict between the great economic and technological powers. Indeed, they cooperate on a daily basis on trade, investment, health and many other issues. Moreover, the late 1980s and most of the 1990s saw the creation of a positive circle in which citizen action, political initiatives, disarmament treaties and independent verification reinforced each other.

Download the report:

60 years later the threat of nuclear weapons still exists

Last edited 5 August 2005 at 8:00am
60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

'13 steps' to a nuclear-free future

Last edited 27 April 2004 at 8:00am
An army guard

An army guard at Fylingdales in Yorkshire

Diplomats from around the world have gathered for an international nuclear weapons control conference. The meeting will test the international community's resolve on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

5 reasons to oppose Star Wars

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
28 February, 2001

Greenpeace opposes the U.S. Star Wars Missile plan because such a system would ignite a new nuclear arms race. Should the plan go ahead Americans will spend hundreds of billions of tax dollars for a technically flawed scheme that offers only the illusion of protection. There will also be increased nuclear dangers in a world where there are far more nuclear weapons as countries such as China bolster their nuclear arsenals to overcome Star Wars. "Star Wars" sole beneficiaries will be U.S.

Download the report:

Sellafield and jobs

Last edited 2 June 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
2 June, 2000

A future for West Cumbria

There is currently considerable concern amongst BNFL employees, and most people living in West Cumbria, that ending nuclear reprocessing at Sellafield would mean massive job losses and be devastating to the local area. Stopping nuclear reprocessing is nevertheless essential to protect the environment and the health of future generations, and to end the nuclear proliferation threat caused by separating nuclear weapons-usable plutonium.

Download the report:

Sellafield - health and environment issues

Last edited 31 May 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
31 May, 2000

David Sumner

Download the report:

Greenpeace urges ban on plutonium cargo vessels

Posted by bex — 13 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Nuclear waste transportation flask

Ten deadly nuclear cargoes of weapons-usable plutonium fuel are to travel from Europe to Japan each year via South Africa, according to a Reuters's story published today. In light of this information, Greenpeace urged all potential en route nations concerned by the risks associated with these shipments to redouble their efforts in opposing this and futue transports being conducted by European and Japanese nuclear industry.

The latest information comes as two ships laden with some 450 kg of weapons-usable plutonium, contained in 40 plutonium fuel elements (MOX), rounded the Cape of Good Hope bound for Japan early Friday morning (13th August). The ships are now believed to be in the South West Pacific Ocean heading for Australia, New Zealand and Japan.