Onyx, the owner of SELCHP incinerator (South London Combined Heat and Power), is the waste division of the French multi-national Vivendi. Onyx had a revenue of 5.2 billion euros in 2000, approximately 60% of which was generated from industrial contracts. The company operates waste collection, processing and disposal services in Europe, the US and the Asia Pacific region. Onyx currently operates 83 incinerators around the world and plans to expand into India and Taiwan.
I am writing to draw your attention to information that has recently come to light regarding dioxin emissions from the SELCHP incinerator in South East London. I also want to ask you for a statement of support for a safer means of waste management. The SELCHP incinerator is a major source of dioxin to air in London, even using its own reported figures. However we believe that dioxin emissions from the incinerator are consistently underreported and that it emits much more dioxin than Londoners are told.
As an embodiment of accumulated energy and materials it invites an alternative. (The whole file is 1mb; the report is broken down below for easier download)
The crisis in Argentina in late 2001 illustrated again a frustrating and unjust reality: there is no direct relationship between the amount of food a country produces and the number of hungry people who live there. In 2001, Argentina harvested enough wheat to meet the needs of both China and India. Yet Argentina's people were hungry. Argentina's status as the world's second largest producer of GM crops - largely for export - could do nothing to solve its very real hunger problems at home. For fifty years conventional agriculture has been getting less and less sustainable.
"This Review had three tasks: to consider the implications for energy policy of the RCEP's view that the UK would have to make a substantial cuts in CO2 emissions by the middle of the century if it were to join a world-wide coalition to stabilise CO2 concentration in the atmosphere; to review energy security; and to consider whether the different objectives which energy systems meet can be better integrated, given that the recent past has seen some conflicts, for instance between environmental and social objectives."
Summary This report presents objections on behalf of Greenpeace UK following an initial review of an application for a 225,000 tpa 'Energy Recovery Facility' (a 'mass burn' incinerator) made by Terence O'Rourke PLC as agents for Sheffield Environmental Services Ltd a subsidiary company of Onyx.
15 Greenpeace volunteers and two freelance journalists face up to six years in prison in the US following a peaceful protest against the most recent test of the Star Wars missile defence system at Vandenberg airforce base in California during July. The 17, charged with "conspiracy to violate a safety zone" are due before the US courts for trial on 20 th November, although defence lawyers are currently pushing for a delay to the trial date.
Summary This is a briefing by Greenpeace for the UK food and feed industry on the Brazilian non-GM soya supply.
Consumers in the UK and Europe continue to demand non-GM food, and animal products fed on non-GM feed. However, some companies are concerned about threats to the non-GM status of Brazil, the major non-GM producing country.