
28 Greenpeace volunteers acquitted in GM trial

Last edited 20 September 2000 at 8:00am
20 September, 2000

Greenpeace welcomes verdict and calls on government to end GM farm experiments

Twenty-eight Greenpeace volunteers were acquitted today of criminal damage at Norwich Crown Court. The volunteers had gone on trial on September 4th on charges relating to a Greenpeace action at Lyng, Norfolk, on 26th July, 1999, where part of an experimental crop of genetically modified (GM) maize was cut down and sealed in bags as part of a campaign to prevent genetic contamination of the environment.

Update - Lyng 28 back on trial

Last edited 2 May 2000 at 8:00am
2 May, 2000

A court date has now been confirmed for the 2nd Lyng trial. The 28 defendants are charged with Criminal Damage after being cleared of theft at the first hearing. The trial will start on September 4th and is expected to last for 2 weeks.


Events at the Lyng action

Last edited 2 April 2000 at 9:00am
Lyng GM crop action

Lyng GM crop action

The Greenpeace 28 Retrial

Last edited 2 April 2000 at 9:00am
Greenpeace activists arrested for removing GM crop

Greenpeace activists arrested for removing GM crop