
The Truth behind: "The Truth Behind the Whaling Dispute"

Last edited 17 May 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: May 2002

Masayuki Komatsu, Japan's deputy commissioner to the International Whaling Commission, has written a book that has been released by the Institute for Cetacean Research (ICR), an NGO established by the whaling industry. Entitled The Truth Behind the Whaling Dispute, the book is full of unsupported claims and accusations, so many that this paper seeks to address only the major points.

Download the report:

Protestors call on the Japanese government

Last edited 23 April 2002 at 8:00am
23 April, 2002

Worldwide condemnation of Japan's "scientific" whaling began this week in the countdown to the next International Whaling Commission meeting in Shimonoseki, Japan. Greenpeace activists from Argentina to the UK gathered at Japanese embassies to deliver their protests in the form of whale meat boxes, petitions, letters, postcards, e-mails and faxes. Copied from the originals used by the Japanese whaling fleet , the boxes highlight the commercial reality of so-called "scientific" whaling.

Bryan Adams - saving the whales

Last edited 28 February 2002 at 9:00am
Bryan Adams supports whaling campaign

Bryan Adams supports whaling campaign

Welcome to the Global Whales Action Team!

Last edited 22 February 2002 at 9:00am

Welcome to the Global Whales Action Team!

Greenpeace attempt to stop transfer of recently ki

We hope you enjoyed the Bryan Adams gig, and that you're sending off your postcard to Jack Straw.

Antarctic expedition leader hits out at 'silent Straw'

Last edited 16 January 2002 at 9:00am
16 January, 2002

The British leader of an international team in the Antarctic has demanded that Jack Straw 'gets serious about Japan's efforts to secure a return to full-scale commercial whaling' after the Foreign Secretary failed to publicly condemn attempts by the Japanese government's use of development aid to buy votes in support of commercial whaling.

Greenpeace films Japanese harpooning whale turning water cannon on volunteers

Last edited 17 December 2001 at 9:00am
17 December, 2001

Japanese whalers operating in Antarctic waters today blasted Greenpeace volunteers with powerful water cannons after a helicopter captured rare footage of a whale being harpooned.

New Greenpeace film of Antarctic whaling - a warning to the world

Last edited 14 December 2001 at 9:00am
Southern oceans Japanese whaling hunt

Southern oceans Japanese whaling hunt

A new film compilation of Antarctic whaling - shot from the Greenpeace ship MV Arctic Sunrise - premieres today on video screens around the world, in a Greenpeace global day of action against whaling.

Greenpeace makes contact with Antarctic whaling fleet

Last edited 14 December 2001 at 9:00am
14 December, 2001

Greenpeace activists operating in the Antarctic today approached ships from the Japanese whaling fleet and demanded that they "STOP WHALING." The action is the opening move in a campaign leading up to a crucial governmental meeting next year at which the future of whaling will be decided.

Whale sanctuaries overview

Last edited 8 November 2001 at 9:00am
Japanese whalers harpooning a minke

Japanese whalers harpooning a minke whale

Norway and the whales

Last edited 8 November 2001 at 9:00am
A dead whale is sliced in to whalemeat

A dead whale is sliced in to whalemeat