
Court bid to block third runway

Last edited 23 February 2010 at 12:49pm
23 February, 2010

Today sees the start of court proceedings challenging the government's controversial decision to give the go ahead to a third runway at Heathrow.

What would you build on the Airplot?

Posted by jamie — 17 February 2010 at 12:50pm - Comments

What would you build on our piece of land to stop the third runway?

Lordy. When we launched the Airplot fortress competition a few weeks ago, I don't think we were prepared for the sheer range of ideas we'd receive. We've had plenty of suggestions for forts of some kind, while others have trod an underground pathway with tunnels and bunkers, and others have gone fully 'outside the box', proposing bold and outlandish new design concepts.

Celebs and architects launch competition to design Heathrow fortress

Last edited 28 January 2010 at 4:03pm
28 January, 2010

Britain's leading architects are being invited to enter a competition to design an impenetrable fortress to be built on the land earmarked for a third runway at Heathrow.

The fortress will be constructed at the centre of the site in west London where airport operator BAA hopes to construct a £7bn runway and sixth terminal. An illustrious panel of celebrities and leading architects has been assembled to judge the entrants and select a winner. Construction will begin as soon as possible after the winning design is announced, unless the runway plans are dropped.

How to build an activist base on the Airplot - we need your ideas!

Posted by jamie — 28 January 2010 at 11:59am - Comments

Update April 23: The deadline for this competition has now passed. No further entries are being accepted.

Exhibition: Come and see the Heathrow Contest entries »

Ever since we bought our piece of land on the site of the proposed third runway at Heathrow, we've been receiving suggestions for what to do with it. We've already sunk our roots into it by establishing an allotment and planting an orchard, but now we want to go one step further and for that we want to get your ideas. Watch the video above for more details, and read on for the full lowdown on how to enter the competition.

The judging panel

Last edited 27 January 2010 at 8:32pm

Peter Clegg
Senior Partner MA(Cantab) MEnvD RIBA, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Peter CleggPeter Clegg established Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios with Richard Feilden in 1978. Educated at Cambridge and Yale, he is a Visiting Professor at the University of Bath.

Thank you

Last edited 27 January 2010 at 3:35pm

Thank you for registering your interest in the Heathrow Contest.

Please download the declaration of authorship form and provide it with your entry.

Competition rules

Last edited 27 January 2010 at 2:28pm
  1. The closing date for all entries is 5.30pm on Friday 23 April 2010. That includes postal entries so make sure you get yours in on time. Only one entry per person.
  2. Entries must be either:
    • Up to two A3 pages of designs by post;
    • One or more JPEG files totaling no more than 2MB in size by email;
    • up to 500 words can accompany the designs to provide further explanation, but you don't have to.
  3. We can't accept any other form of entries, including models (although you can send us pictures of them.).

How to enter

Last edited 27 January 2010 at 2:26pm
  1. Make your fantastic idea into a design you can send to us, and you can do this on paper or on a computer. It can be either:
    • up to two sides of A3 paper
    • or JPEG files or artwork or photos up to 2MB in total
    • you can also include up to 500 words to accompany your designs, but it's not essential
    • No models, please!

The Airplot Design Contest

Last edited 27 January 2010 at 2:23pm

Airplot panorama

Last edited 27 January 2010 at 1:06pm