
Greenpeace team challenges fuel protesters on the road

Last edited 9 November 2000 at 9:00am
9 November, 2000

A mobile team from Greenpeace will be challenging the fuel protest convoy along the entire length of their route. The volunteers - travelling in vehicles powered by green fuels such as compressed natural gas and bio-diesel [1] - will argue the case for high taxes on oil-based fuels. Greenpeace believes that Gordon Brown was wrong to reduce the cost of oil-based petrol and diesel because of the impact they have on climate change.

Greenpeace to challenge fuel blockaders in November

Last edited 5 October 2000 at 8:00am
5 October, 2000
Greenpeace challenges fuel blockaders and argues the case for maintaining current levels of fuel tax

Greenpeace challenges fuel blockaders and argues the case for maintaining current levels of fuel tax

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