blue whales

A brief history of whales and commercial whaling

Posted by Willie — 20 October 2016 at 3:58pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Hilton

Commercial whaling devastated the world’s biggest whale species, pushing some of them to the very brink of extinction in the early to mid 20th Century. Whaling for meat, oil, or whalebone was not a new idea, but new explosive harpoons and industrialised factory ships plundering the seas for whales had an even more catastrophic impact than what had come in centuries before.

It was the realisation that catches were declining that led to the creation, by whaling nations, of an organisation that would become the ‘International Whaling Commission’ (IWC).

Whaling commission scientists reveal only 75 Antarctic blue whales seen in past 20 years

Last edited 20 May 2002 at 8:00am
20 May, 2002

In spite of nearly four decades of protection Antarctic blue whales show little sign of recovery, according to the latest science from the International Whaling Commission (IWC). The worrying new findings were released on the first day of the annual International Whaling Commission conference in Shimonoseki, Japan, where the worldwide ban on commercial whaling is hanging in the balance.

Melting ice threatens blue whales' food supply

Posted by bex — 20 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Whale tail

Whale tail

Melting polar ice is threatening the main food source for Antarctic blue whales and could lead to their extinction, an international environmental group said yesterday. The whales feed on small sea creatures known as krill, which in turn eat microscopic marine algae. These live in sea ice and are released in the summer when the ice melts.

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